3. “中原英才计划”-中原青年拔尖人才:基于多介质同步观测的阻燃剂人体暴露路径、模式及季节性规律研究,50万(在研)
4. 河南省高等学校科技创新人才:霾污染对阻燃剂人体真皮暴露模式及健康风险的影响,60万(在研)
5. 国家自然科学基金青年基金:灰霾强度对室内空气中新型阻燃剂赋存分配及人体暴露模式的影响,20万(已结项)
6. 中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目:不同霾污染强度下儿童对溴、磷代阻燃剂的环境暴露模式,15万(已结项)
7. 中国博士后科学基金面上一等资助项目:典型高风险人群对灰尘中溴代和磷代阻燃剂的暴露模式,8万(已结项)
1 Cao, Z.; Wu, X.; Wang, T.; Zhao, Y.; Zhao, Y.; Wang, D.; Chang, Y.; Wei, Y.; Yan, G.; Fan, Y.; Yue, C.; Duan, J.; Xi, B., Characteristics of airborne particles retained on conifer needles across China in winter and preliminary evaluation of the capacity of trees in haze mitigation. Science of the Total Environment 2022, 806.
2 Cao, Z.; Xu, X.; Zhao, Y.; Du, R.; Fan, Y.; Wei, P.; Ma, K.; Zhu, Y.; Huang, X.; Hu, F.; Hu, P.; Liu, X., Gas-particle partition and size-segregated distribution of flame retardants in indoor and outdoor air: Reevaluation on the role of fine particles in human exposure. Chemosphere 2022, 292, 133414-133414.
3 Fan, Y.; Chen, Q.; Wang, Z.; Zhang, X.; Zhao, J.; Huang, X.; Wei, P.; Hu, P.; Cao, Z., Identifying dermal exposure as the dominant pathway of children's exposure to flame retardants in kindergartens. Science of the Total Environment 2022, 808.
4 Peng, J.; Wang, Z.; Wang, S.; Liu, J.; Zhang, Y.; Wang, B.; Gong, Z.; Wang, M.; Dong, H.; Shi, J.; Liu, H.; Yan, G.; Liu, G.; Gao, S.; Cao, Z., Enhanced removal of methylparaben mediated by cobalt/carbon nanotubes (Co/CNTs activated peroxymonosulfate in chloride-containing water: Reaction kinetics, mechanisms and pathways. Chemical Engineering Journal 2021, 409.
5 Shen, M.; Ren, M.; Wang, Y.; Shen, F.; Du, R.; Quan, L.; Wei, Y.; Zhang, T.; Li, J.; Yan, G.; Peng, J.; Cao, Z., Identifying dust as the dominant source of exposure to heavy metals for residents around battery factories in the Battery Industrial Capital of China. Science of the Total Environment 2021, 765.
6 Cao, Z.; Wang, M.; Shi, S.; Zhao, Y.; Chen, X.; Li, C.; Li, Y.; Wang, H.; Bao, L.; Cui, X., Size-distribution-based assessment of human inhalation and dermal exposure to airborne parent, oxygenated and chlorinated PAHs during a regional heavy haze episode. Environmental Pollution 2020, 263.
7 Cao, Z., Chen, Q., Zhu, C., Chen, X., Wang, N., Zou, W., Zhang, X., Zhu, G., Li, J., Mai, B., Luo, X., Halogenated Organic Pollutant Residuals in Human Bared and Clothing-Covered Skin Areas: Source Differentiation and Comprehensive Health Risk Assessment. Environ Sci Technol 2019, 53, (24 , 14700-14708.
8 Cao, Z., Zhao, L., Zhang, Y., Ren, M., Zhang, Y., Liu, X., Jie, J., Wang, Z., Li, C., Shen, M., Bu, Q., Influence of Air Pollution on Inhalation and Dermal Exposure of Human to Organophosphate Flame Retardants: A Case Study During a Prolonged Haze Episode. Environmental Science & Technology 2019, 53, (7 , 3880-3887
9 Cao, Z. et al. The non-negligible “recycling environmental-risk” of halogenated flame retardants associated with plastic regeneration in China. Sci. Tot. Environ. 2019, 646, 1090-1096.
10 Cao, Z. et al Contamination characteristics of trace metals in dust from different levels of roads of a heavily air-polluted city in north China. Environ. Geochem. Hlth. 2018.https://doi.org/10.1007/s10653-018-0110-3.
11 Xi, B.; Di, N.; Liu, J.; Zhang, R.; Cao, Z. Hydrologic regulation of plant rooting depth: Pay attention to the widespread scenario with intense seasonal groundwater table fluctuation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.USA 2018, 115, E3863-E3864.
12 Cao, Z. et al. Size Distribution of Halogenated Flame Retardants Under Different Air Qualities and Implications for Inhalation Exposure and Health Risk. J. Haz. Mat. 2018, 359, 491-499.
13 Liu, X., Cao, Z., et al. Estimation of exposure to organic flame retardants via hand wipe, surface wipe, and dust: comparability of different assessment strategies. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2018, 52, 9946–9953.
14 Cao, Z. et al Preliminary assessment on exposure of four typical populations to potentially toxic metals by means of skin wipes under the influence of haze pollution. Sci. Tot. Environ. 2018, 613, 886-893.
15 Cao, Z. et al Multimedia and Spatial Distribution, Internal Accumulation and Source Diagnostics of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs of the Luan River Basin, China. Poly. Aromat. Compd.2018, 38, 1-12.
16 Huang, Q.; Bu, Q.; Zhong, W.; Shi, K.; Cao, Z.*(corresponding author ; Yu, G., Derivation of aquatic predicted no-effect concentration (PNEC for ibuprofen and sulfamethoxazole based on various toxicity endpoints and the associated risks. Chemosphere 2018, 193, 223-229.
17 Liu, J., Zhang, R., Liu, H., Duan, J., Kang, J., Guo, Z., Xi, B., Cao, Z.*(corresponding author , Assessing the Particulate Matter Removal Abilities of Tree Leaves. Journal of Visual Experiment. 2018, https://www.jove.com/video/58026/assessing-the-particulate-matter-removal-abilities-of-treeleaves
18 Liu, J.; Cao, Z. (co-first author et al An investigation of the leaf retention capacity, efficiency and mechanism for atmospheric particulate matter of five greening tree species in Beijing, China. Sci.Tot. Environ. 2018, 616, 417-426.
19 Cao, Z. et al Vehicles as outdoor BFR sources: Evidence from an investigation of BFR occurrence in road dust. Chemosphere 2017, 179, 29-36.
20 Cao, Z. et al Propositional modification for the USEPA models for human exposure assessment on chemicals in settled dust or soil. Environ. Sci. Poll. Res. 2017, 24, (24 , 20113-20116.
21 Cao, Z. et al PAH contamination in road dust from a moderate city in North China: The significant role of traffic emission. Hum. Ecol. Rsk. Assess. 2017, 231072-1085.
22 Liu, X.; Yu, G.; Cao, Z. et al Occurrence of organophosphorus flame retardants on skin wipes: Insight into human exposure from dermal absorption. Environ. Int. 2017, 98, 113-119.
23 Wang, H.; Hwang, J.; Huang, J.; Xu, Y.; Yu, G.; Li, W.; Zhang, K.; Liu, K.; Cao, Z. et al Mechanochemical remediation of PCB contaminated soil. Chemosphere 2017, 168, 333-340.
24 Liu, X.; Yu, G.; Cao, Z. et al Estimation of human exposure to halogenated flame retardants through dermal adsorption by skin wipe. Chemosphere 2017, 168, 272-278.
25 Yan, J.; Liu, J.; Shi, X.; You, X.; Cao, Z., Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs in water from three estuaries of China: Distribution, seasonal variations and ecological risk assessment. Mar.Pollut. Bull. 2016, 109, (1 , 471-479.
26 Wang, H.; Huang, J.; Zhang, S.; Xu, Y.; Zhang, K.; Liu, K.; Cao, Z et al Study of degradation mechanism of dechlorane plus by mechanochemical reaction with aluminum and quartz sand. Chem.Eng. J. 2016, 292, 98-104.
27 Zhang, K.; Cao, Z. et al Mechanochemical destruction of Chinese PFOS alternative F-53B. Chem. Eng. J. 2016, 286, 387-393.
28 Yu, G.; Bu, Q.; Cao, Z. et al Brominated flame retardants (BFRs : A review on environmental contamination in China. Chemosphere 2016, 150, 479-490.
29 Chen, Q.; Liu, J.; Liu, F.; Wang, B.; Cao, Z., Biologic risk and source diagnose of 16 PAHs from Haihe River Basin, China. FESE 2016, 10, 46-52.
30 Wu, M.; Yu, G.; Cao, Z. et al Characterization and human exposure assessment of organophosphate flame retardants in indoor dust from several microenvironments of Beijing, China. Chemosphere2016, 150, 465-471.
31 Cao, Z. et al Seasonal and Particle Size-Dependent Variations of Hexabromocyclododecanes in Settled Dust: Implications for Sampling. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2015, 49, 11151-11157.
32 Cao, Z. et al Distribution Patterns of Brominated, Chlorinated, and Phosphorus Flame Retardants with Particle Size in Indoor and Outdoor Dust and Implications for Human Exposure. Environ. Sci.Technol. 2014, 48, 8839-8846.
33 Cao, Z. et al Differences in the seasonal variation of brominated and phosphorus flame retardants in office dust. Environ. Int. 2014, 65, 100-106.
34 Cao, Z. et al Human Exposure Assessment of Indoor Dust: Importance of Particle Size and Spatial Position. Environ. Hlth. Perspect. 2013, 121, A110-A110.
35 Cao, Z. et al Mechanisms influencing the BFR distribution patterns in office dust and implications for estimating human exposure. J. Haz. Mat. 2013, 252, 11-18.
36 Cao, Z. et al Economic status as a determinant of national PCDD/PCDF releases and implications for PCDD/PCDF reduction. Chemosphere 2013, 91, 328-335.
37 Cao, Z. Pay attention to the fate of an emerging hazardous waste: PBDE-contaminated indoor dust. Environ. Sci. Poll. Res. 2013, 20, (3 , 1895-1897.
38 Liu, F.; Liu, J.; Chen, Q.; Wang, B.; Cao, Z., Pollution characteristics and ecological risk of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs in surface sediments of the southern part of the Haihe River system in China. Chin. Sci. Bull. 2013, 58, (27 , 3348-3356.
39 Cao, Z et al Particle size: A missing factor in risk assessment of human exposure to toxic chemicals in settled indoor dust. Environ. Int. 2012, 49, 24-30.
40 Cao, Z. et al Distribution and source apportionment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH in water and sediments of the Luan River, China. Toxicol. Environ. Chemistry 2010, 92, (4 , 707-720.
41 Cao, Z. et al and ecosystem risk assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the Luan River, China. Ecotoxicology 2010, 19, (5 , 827-837.
42 Li, Y.; Liu, J.; Cao, Z. et al Spatial distribution and health risk of heavy metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs in the water of the Luanhe River Basin, China. Environ. Monit.Assess. 2010, 163, (1-4 , 1-13.
43 Liu, J.; Li, Y.; Zhang, B.; Cao, J.; Cao, Z.; Domagalski, J., Ecological risk of heavy metals in sediments of the Luan River source water. Ecotoxicology 2009, 18, 748-758.
44 张鑫; 赵小曼; 孟雪洁; 王小颍, et al., 曹治国(通讯作者 , 环境科学2018, (03 , 1-10.
45 曹治国; 赵磊成; 石玉盟; 熊凤吟, et al., 环境化学2017, (03 , 463-471.
46 曹治国; 董星依; 石玉盟; 孙丽芳, et al., 环境科学学报2017, (07 , 2759-2766.
47 曹治国; 陈巧莹; 石玉盟; 樊欣意, et al., 环境化学2017, (05 , 967-976.
48 曹治国; 陈惠鑫; 赵磊成; 皮运清, et al., 环境科学与技术2017, (04 , 36-44.
49 张志丹; 曹治国; 刘欢欢; 贾黎明, 森林与环境学报2016, (04 , 467-472.
50 刘金强; 曹治国(共同第一作者 ; 刘欢欢; 张少伟, et al., 植物生态学报2016, (08 , 798-809.
51 刘欢欢; 曹治国; 贾黎明; 李秀忠, et al., 林业科学2016, (12 , 133-140.
52 曹治国; 余刚; 吕香英; 王梦蕾, et al., 环境科学2016, (04 , 1272-1278.
53 曹治国; 沈墨海; 李田田; 陈惠鑫, et al., 环境科学与技术2016, (S1 , 193-198.
54 张志丹; 曹治国; 贾黎明, 应用生态学报2015, (11 , 3475-3481.
55 张志丹; 席本野; 曹治国; 贾黎明, 应用生态学报2014, (08 , 2238-2242.
56 曹治国, 刘静玲, 栾芸, 李永丽, et al., 2010, 环境科学学报2010, 30:246 -253.
57 曹治国, 刘静玲, 王雪梅, 徐杰. 2010, 环境科学学报 30:254 -260.
58 曹治国, 徐杰, 刘静玲, 栾芸, et al., 2010, 环境科学学报 30:275 -280.
Cao, Z. (曹治国 *, L. Zhao. The 37th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants, Vancouver Canada, August 20-25, 2017, Poster
Cao, Z. (曹治国 *, G. Yu. The 7th International Symposium on Flame Retardants. Beijing, China, April 7-10, 2015, Poster
Cao, Z. (曹治国 *, G. Yu. The 33rd International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants. Daegu, Republic of Korea, August 25-30, 2013, Oral presentation
Cao, Z. (曹治国 *, G. Yu. The 6th International Symposium on Flame Retardants. San Francisco, USA, April 7-10, 2013, Oral presentation
Cao, Z. (曹治国 *, G. Yu. The 32nd International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants. Cairns, Australia, August 26-31, 2012, Oral presentation
1. 通过标准曲线评估附着在人体手部灰尘质量的方法, 曹治国,王萌萌,苗正,董夏妍等. 申请号:2019107079515
2. 一种复合层口罩, 实用新型专利授权, 曹治国, 张亚洁, 孙丽芳, 王世华等.专利号:ZL201720712190.9
3. 一种用于手掌灰尘样品采集以用于真皮暴露评估的手套, 发明专利受理, 曹治国, 赵磊成, 张亚洁, 张亚彩等. 申请号:201810857539.7
4. 一种可以用于采集空气中颗粒物的口罩, 发明专利受理, 曹治国, 张亚洁, 孟雪洁, 赵磊成等. 申请号:201810428673.5