11月21日上午,应我院校特聘教授王世英的邀请,澳大利亚纽卡斯尔大学Yuqing Lin教授在我院学术报告厅为师生做了题为“The maximum forcing number of polyomino”的学术报告。报告会由王世英教授主持,我院部分青年教师及研究生听取报告。
报告中,林教授首先介绍了纽卡斯尔大学的相关情况,然后从该题目的研究现状及基本的定义讲起,并用深入浅出的语言和形象的图例向师生们介绍了其课题组研究开创的成果。 针对离散数学与实际应用的问题,林教授分享了其团队研究成果应用于机器人足球比赛的经验,开拓了师生的视野。师生们对林教授的研究成果十分感兴趣,针对报告内容与林教授进行了探讨和交流,整场报告充满了浓郁的学术气氛。报告会在全体师生的热烈掌声中圆满结束。
Dr. Yuqing Lin has obtained his PhD in 2004 and current a senior lecturer at the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, the University of Newcastle, Australia. His main research area is in Graph Theory and Discrete Mathematics, especially on extremal graph theory and extremal graph construction. He has published more then 40 SCI indexed journal papers and awarded a few competitive grants, including Australia Research Council Discovery Project, Australia-China Collaboration grants.