

发布时间: 2021-11-24     浏览次数:4758







  电子邮件: chmxdc@163.com

  通信地址: 数学与信息科学学院

  邮  编: 453007







陈孟鑫,男,河南信阳人。2021年博士研究生毕业于安徽大学, 导师:吴然超教授。20217月至今在beat365官方登录入口数学与信息科学学院任教。












1博士研究生国家奖学金, 2020.

2、河南省教育厅优秀科技论文奖一等奖,排名1/1,豫教〔202336439, 2023.






1.国家自然科学基金-面上(11971032),参与,   2020-2023.

2.70批中国博士后项目-面上(2021M701118, 主持, 2021-2023.





1、德国《数学文摘》评论员(ID 20853).


Journal of Mathematics(SCI4)

Advances in Mathematical Physics(SCI4)

Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society(SCI4)       

Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics(ESCI)                





[1]Ranchao Wu, Mengxin Chen, Biao Liu, et al., Hopf bifurcation and Turing instability in a predator-prey model with Michaelis-Menten functional response, Nonlinear Dynamics 91(3) (2018) 2033-2047.(SCI2)

[2]Mengxin Chen, Ranchao Wu, Biao Liu, et al, Pattern selection in a predator-prey model with Michaelis-Menten type nonlinear predator harvesting, Ecological Complexity 36 (2018) 239-249.  (SCI4)

[3] Mengxin Chen, Ranchao Wu, Biao Liu, et al, Spatiotemporal dynamics in a ratio-dependent predator-prey model with time delay near the Turing-Hopf bifurcation point, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulations 77 (2019) 141-167.(SCI1)

[4] Mengxin Chen, Ranchao Wu, Liping Chen, Hopf-Hopf bifurcation in a delayed nutrient-microorganism model, Applied Mathematical Modelling 86 (2020) 460-483. (SCI1)

[5] Mengxin Chen, Ranchao Wu, Liping Chen, Spatiotemporal patterns induced by Turing and Turing-Hopf bifurcation in a predator-prey system, Applied Mathematics and Computation 380 (2020) 125300. (SCI1)

[6] Mengxin Chen, Ranchao Wu, Liping Chen, Pattern dynamics in a diffusive Gierer-Meinhardt model, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 30 (12) (2020) 2030035. (SCI4)

[7] Chuanying Zhang, Ranchao Wu, Mengxin Chen, Hopf bifurcation in a delayed predator-prey system with general group defense for prey, Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation 11(2) (2021) 810-840. (SCI4, T3)

[8] Xiaoxue Fu, Ranchao Wu, Mengxin Chen, Spatiotemporal complexity in a diffusive Brusselator model near the Turing-Hopf bifurcation point, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 59 (2021) 2344-2367. (SCI4, T3)

[9] Jingwen Zhu, Ranchao Wu, Mengxin Chen, Bifurcation analysis of a predator-prey model with strong Allee effect, Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A 76(12) (2021) 1091-1105.(SCI4)

[10] Mengxin Chen, Ranchao Wu, Hongxia Liu, Xiaoxue Fu, Spatiotemporal complexity in a Leslie-Gower type predator-prey model near Turing-Hopf point, Chaos Soliton & Fractal 153 (2021) 111509.(SCI1)

[11] Mengxin Chen, Qianqian Zheng, Ranchao Wu, et al., Spatiotemporal patterns in a general networked activator-substrate model, Nonlinear Dynamics 106 (2021) 3521-3538. (SCI2)

[12] Mengxin Chen, Ranchao Wu, Yancong Xu, Dynamics of a depletion-type Gierer-Meinhardt model with Langmuir-Hinshelwood reaction scheme, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B 27(4) (2022) 2275-2312. (SCI4, T3)

[13] Mengxin Chen, Qianqian Zheng, Ranchao Wu, et al., Hopf bifurcation in delayed nutrient-microorganism model with network structure, Journal of Biological Dynamics 16(1) (2022) 1-13. (SCI4)

[14] Mengxin Chen, Ranchao Wu, Dynamics of diffusive nutrient-microorganism model with spatially heterogeneous environments, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 511 (2022) 126078. (SCI3, T3)

[15] Mengxin Chen*, Qianqian Zheng, Predator-taxis creates spatial pattern of a predator-prey model, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 161 (2022) 112332. (SCI1)

[16] Mengxin Chen, Ranchao Wu, Xiaohui Wang, Non-constant steady states and Hopf bifurcation of a species interaction model, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulations 116 (2023) 106846. (SCI2, T3)

[17] Mengxin Chen, Ranchao Wu, Patterns in the predator-prey model with network connection and harvesting policy, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 46(2) (2023) 2433-2454. (SCI3, T3)

[18] Mengxin Chen*, Qianqian Zheng, Steady state bifurcation of a population model with chemotaxis, Physica A 609 (2023) 128381. (SCI2)

[19] Mengxin Chen*, Tian Wang, Qianqian Zheng, Qualitative analysis and Hopf bifurcation of the generalized Lengyel-Epstein model, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 61 (2023) 166-192. (SCI4, T3)

[20] Mengxin Chen, Ranchao Wu, Dynamics of a harvested predator-prey model with predator-taxis, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society 46 (2023) 76. (SCI3, ESI高被引202311)

[21] Mengxin Chen*, Hari Mohan Srivastava, Stability of bifurcating solution of a predator-prey model, Chaos Soliton & Fractal168 (2023) 113153. (SCI1)

[22] Mengxin Chen, Ranchao Wu, Steady state bifurcation in Previte-Hoffman model, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 33(2) (2023) 2350020. (SCI3, T3, ESI高被引202401)

[23] Mengxin Chen, Ranchao Wu, Stability and patterns of the nutrient-microorganism model with chemotaxis,Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A 78(4) (2023) 315-323. (SCI4)

[24] Mengxin Chen, Ranchao Wu, B. Liu, et al., Turing-Turing and Turing-Hopf bifurcations in a general diffusive Brusselator model, ZAMM-Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik103(10) (2023) e201900111. (SCI4, T2)

[25] Mengxin Chen, Ranchao Wu, Qianqian Zheng, Qualitative analysis of a diffusive COVID-19 model with non-monotone incident rate, Journal of Applied Analysis and Computations13(4) (2023) 2229-2249. (SCI4, T3)

[26]Mengxin Chen, Ranchao Wu, Steady states and spatiotemporal evolution of a diffusive predator-prey model,Chaos Soliton & Fractal 170 (2023) 113397. (SCI1)

[27] Mengxin Chen*, Hopf bifurcation and self-organization pattern of a modified Brusselator model, MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry 90 (2023) 581-607. (SCI2)

[28]Mengxin Chen*, Qianqian Zheng, Diffusion-driven instability of a predator-prey model with interval biological coefficients, Chaos Soliton & Fractal 172 (2023) 113493. (SCI1)

[29] Mengxin Chen*, Hari Mohan Srivastava, Existence and stability of bifurcating solution of a chemotaxis model, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 151(11) (2023) 4735-4749. (SCI4, T2)

[30] Mengxin Chen*, Zhenyong Hu, Qianqian Zheng, Hari Mohan Srivastava,Dynamics analysis of a spatiotemporal SI model, Alexandria Engineering Journal 74 (2023) 705-714. (SCI3)

[31]Mengxin Chen, Seokjun Ham, Yongho Choi, Hyundong Kim, Junseok Kim, Pattern dynamics of a harvested predator-prey model, Chaos Soliton & Fractal 176 (2023) 114153. (SCI1)

[32] Mengxin Chen*, Spatiotemporal inhomogeneous pattern of a predator-prey model with delay and chemotaxis, Nonlinear Dynamics 111 (2023)19527-19541.(SCI2)

[33] Mengxin Chen*, Hari Mohan Srivastava, On a rumor propagation model with spatial heterogeneity, Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems 23 (2024) 1. (SCI4, T3)

[34] Mengxin Chen, Ranchao Wu, Qianqian Zheng, Nonconstant steady states of a rumor propagation model, Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems (2024) (ESCI) In press

[35] Mengxin Chen, Ranchao Wu, Patterns governed by chemotaxis and time delay, Physical Review E 109(1)(2024) 014217. (SCI3)

[36] Mengxin Chen, Yong Liu, Canrong Tian, Bifurcations of a single species model with spatial memory environment, Applied Mathematics Letters 154(2024) 109110. (SCI2, T3)

[37]Mengxin Chen, Xuezhi Li, Ranchao Wu, Steady state bifurcation and pattern formation of a diffusive population model, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulations 135 (2024) 108048. (SCI2, T3)

[38] Mengxin Chen, Xuezhi Li, Ranchao Wu, Bifurcations and steady states of a predator-prey model with strong Allee and fear effect, International Journal of Biomathematics 17 (2024) 2350066 (SCI3, T2)

